Saturday, October 2, 2010

Assignment 3: Good

In this series I included images not only of documentary and portrait photographers but also photojournalists/war photographers who throughout their work did a lot of environmental portraits of soldiers and civilians showing what they go through in their everyday life. The images don't necessarily show the interest of the subject and who he really is and what he does in life but their expressive faces combined with their surrounding speak a lot to us about what kind of a lifestyle those people lead if we can call it ''life''. For example, Sebastiao Salgado's images shows exactly the environment of the subject where we understand they are migrating and are homeless. Lewis Hine has amazing photographs with simple backgrounds showing people in their line of work, where we understand perfectly who is the subject; what I liked best between his images is the one of the women sitting down and sleeping where the background is so simple but expressive because we understand she i homeless and the street is her environment. August Sander for instance photographed people in their own environment but the background does not tell us much about who they are, we understand more from the way they are dressed or from some sort of symbolism that included in the image... The backgrounds in Antonin Kratochvil pictures are amazing and very clear even it was a simple background it still tells a story and delivers the message. It is funny how war photographers have better environmental portraits and less time to shoot than actual portrait photographers who have the time to think, prepare and shoot. Zoriah Miller is one of my favorites war photographers and his images are very strong and honest; he gets close to his subjects even in moments of danger. Through his images we can understand the story of his subjects and their situation.

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