Saturday, October 2, 2010

Assignment 3: Bad

As clean as David Lachapelle's work is and as perfect as it seems, it does not make any sense. There are no relation what so ever between the background and his subjects even when he is trying to tell a story through a series of pictures, they still look unreal especially when it is photographs that include famous people where we know who they really are and what they really do. Rineke Dijkstra's work in environmental portraiture is also a fail where we don't learn anything about who the subjects really are and what is their relation with the background which is often a seascape. Manuel Alvarez Bravo has amazing photographs and he shot people in their own environment but the images do not speak to us in a way to tell us who the subjects really are; for example, the image of Frida Kahlo does not show her artistic side so if she wasn't famous enough to be recognizable then it would've been just another nice image. Jerome Abramovitch's is a straight forward photographer where you understand who the subject that is being photographed is but most of the time if not always there are no relation with the background...

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